Hi, I'm Jessica

Front End Web Developer

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HVAC Business

Reale Heating & Air Conditioning

This is a conceptual website re-design inspired by a real business using Figma. The re-design aims to solve a crowded Hero section, elements competing for attention, disorganized typography, too many colors, and no call to action. I solve this by reducing the 11 colors from the original design down to 6, 6 fonts down to 1, and incorporating a human element, which was missing from the original website. I also reduced the number of elements in the hero section to the bare essentials because we know that when everything is important, nothing is.

three column preview component

Three Column Preview Component

This was a coding challenge designed by the Front End Mentor Team to test my responsive layout skills. The user should be able to view the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size and see hover states for interactive elements. I used CSS custom properties, Flexbox, and Grid to build this.

rectangular profile card component

Profile Card Component

This was a coding challenge designed by the Front End Mentor Team to test my responsive layout skills.

About Me

Hi, I'm Jessica Shellenhamer. I enjoy creating beautiful web content that can be accessed from any device. My remarkable attention to detail and commitment to producing high quality work makes me the perfect partner to help bring your website goals to life.

So, when can we get started?